4/23/15 – Delta Dental Health Theatre Secures Funding, Expands Programming

The Delta Dental Health Theatre is pleased to announce it recently secured a $10,000 grant from The P&G Fund of Greater Cincinnati Foundation. This funding will enable the theatre to expand its current program lineup to include three, highly entertaining new shows – “Super Scrubbers,” “ScrubbaDubbaVeggeThinkerCising!,” and “Clean Up Your Act.” Each is set to debut in late spring or early summer.

The programming for the new shows was purchased through the South Bend, Ind.-based Healthworks! Kids’ Museum and targets children of varying ages with key information tied to overall health and wellness. “Super Scrubbers” is a 30-minute show for those in pre-school through kindergarten. It teaches kids about germs, where they hide and how to improve upon hand hygiene habits. “ScrubbaDubbaVeggeThinkerCising!” is a one-hour presentation for those in kindergarten through second grade. It addresses how daily decisions influence health. Using unique interactive video, students help a boy named “Alex” navigate through a maze of choices from the time he rises until the end of the day, while learning how to apply the same principals to their own daily health decision-making. “Clean Up Your Act” is a 50-minute program targeting fourth and fifth graders. It discusses some of the changes boys and girls can expect as they enter puberty and highlights the importance of good personal hygiene.

“We are thrilled to be able to expand our mix of interactive program offerings thanks to the generosity of The P&G Fund of Greater Cincinnati Foundation,” commented Shannon Woodcock, president and CEO of the Delta Dental Health Theatre. “The programming for these new shows is really awesome. Visiting children will be having so much fun they won’t even realize they are learning. Yet, they will walk away with key health messages that can immediately be applied to their lives.”

The Delta Dental Health Theatre is located on Laclede’s Landing in downtown St. Louis at 727 North First Street in the same building as the Old Spaghetti Factory. It is a hot spot for field trips, play dates, birthday parties and family outings. The price of admission is $1 per person. Reservations are encouraged, but not required. To learn more about the theatre and its hours of operation and show times, call 314-241-7391 or visit www.ddhtstl.org.


The Delta Dental Health Theatre was originally organized as a program under the Foundation of the Greater St. Louis Dental Society in 1977. In 2002, it was incorporated as an independent 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization. Six years ago, Delta Dental of Missouri became a major corporate sponsor supporting the theatre’s mission to improve the overall oral health and healthy habits of children and families. The theatre is located on Laclede’s Landing in the same building as the Old Spaghetti Factory.

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To learn more, contact:


Kelly Harris                         or            Shannon Woodcock

The Hauser Group                          Delta Dental Health Theatre

314.436.9090                                      314.241.7391