Over the last nine months the Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) has been working with the Lochmueller Group – a full service, survey, planning, engineering and environmental firm – to commission a Statewide Transit Needs Assessment Study. The findings are set to be announced as part of the MPTA’s next Education Series event, being held virtually via ZOOM on Friday, July 8, at 9:00 a.m. The event is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required to attend and can be completed at www.mopublictransit.org
The discussion will be led by Shawn Dikes, Senior Project Manager for the Lochmueller Group. He will highlight the existing and potential service gaps and help establish a guide for the development of optimum personal mobility as transit providers are forced to make service modifications and respond to changing rider demographics.
“Personal mobility matters as it is the sole means by which many are able to get where they need to go,” commented Kimberly Cella, executive director of the Missouri Public Transit Association. “We want to get a better grasp of the current landscape and identify next steps in furthering public transit access for Missourians. We are looking forward to sharing what was discovered and working to address the needs.”
To learn more about the Missouri Public Transit Association or to complete the needed online registration, visit www.mopublictransit.org. Individuals can also like the organization on Facebook or follow them on Twitter at @MOPublicTransit.
Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) was established in 1980 as a Missouri non-profit corporation. It was formed to provide a unified voice for public and specialized transportation providers in Missouri and to work toward elevating the status of public transit as a national priority.
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For more information, contact:
Kelly Harris