The Leadership Council, the premier organization fostering economic growth in Madison and St. Clair counties, has chosen new leadership for 2014. Members unanimously approved five new officers to serve one-year terms, including Dennis Wilmsmeyer as the president of the organization. Wilmsmeyer, Executive Director of America’s Central Port, most recently served as the Leadership Council’s vice president. Ronda Sauget, immediate past president, has moved into the role of Chairman. The officers chosen include:
- Chairman – Ronda Sauget, President, Validus Strategies
- President – Dennis Wilmsmeyer, Executive Director, America’s Central Port
- Vice President – Michael Riley, President, Professional Therapy Services, Inc.
- Secretary – Dale Stewart, Executive Secretary, Southwestern Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council
- Treasurer – Julie Furste-Bowe, Chancellor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Wilmsmeyer notes that in looking ahead to 2014, the Council’s priorities will focus on the continued strength of Scott Air Force Base amid discussions of another base closure round, completing the race to upgrade the Corps’ levee system before new, higher flood insurance rates become effective and investing in our region’s transportation system to attract more jobs.
“The Leadership Council Board Members and staff are quietly, but very effectively, uniting our region for growth,” said Wilmsmeyer. “It has been their hard work, dedication and influence that are bringing about positive changes to Madison and St. Clair counties and the St. Louis region as a whole.”
The Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois is a member-based, economic development corporation representing Madison and St. Clair counties. The Council works to unite business, industry, government, education and labor for economic growth in Southwestern Illinois. These effective partnerships serve as a driving force behind successful economic development efforts throughout the Metro East region.

For more information, contact:
Julie Hauser, The Hauser Group, (314)436-9090
Ellen Krohne, Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois, (618)692-9745